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Get Architectural Building Materials By George Salvan Pdf Free 205: A Practical and Theoretical Refe


ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING MATERIALS THE NEW LADDER TYPE CURRICULUMGEORGE SALINDA SALVAN ... uap ASSISTANT PROFESSOR College ofEngineering and Architecture Baguio CotlegesFoundation First andtone graduate of B.S. Archifecture,1963 in NorthernLuzon,St. LouisUniversity Baguio City Former instructor 196!).1969 atSt.Lc;>uisUoiversity Recipient of various ACEcertificates,Architects Continuing Education Program AlicensedArchitect, active practitioner and a licensed building constructor,inventor and a board topnotcher. Past president of UnitedArchitects PhilsBaguio Chapter. Elected NationalDirector;UAP,RegionalDistrict Ifor the year 1987. Member, Collegeof Fellows,UAP 1988 JMC PRESS,INC. 388 QuezonAvenue,QuezonCityCopyright 1986 by: JMC PRESS,INC. and GEORGES.SALVAN Allrights1'9$8rved. No part of this book ma'f be reproduced in any manneJwithout permission of the publisher. FIRST EDITIONISBN:971-11-0321-4 Published andPrintedby: JMC PRESS,INC. 388QuezonAvenue,QuezonCity Distributed by: GOODWILL BOOKSTORE MainOffice:RizalAvenue,Manila P.0 .Box 2942,Manila Dedicated to allfuture Architects and Engineers The hope for a functional,comfortable and convenient designs for better living.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The completion of this book was made a realitythrough the patient and hardworking efforts of theartistandgraduate of architecture,Mr.Fermin0 .Balangcod. Special thanksare also acknowledged to the artists who contributed in making thedrawings notably, Clamor C. Lecitona from NU, who also helped inthe cover design; Johnny Camsol, Jeny Jun Suyat, Roy Pagador, RevPuno, and James Fioresca, all from BCF,Baguio City. To the ones wholent unselfishly their books, like Dean Avelino Cruz of BCF, and tothe BCF librarianMr.Macabiog, .. toArcnitectRogelioNazofSt.LouisUniversity,Companiesor of materialsa!!K> eent_hanl=l.a)R GJ.e3 could be done in the formof an emulsioncementslurry mixed as follows: 1 volumecement 1 volume water 10 volumesweatherkote type 3 . The mix shall be formed by mixing the cementand water to a smooth slurry and t e nslowly adding this to theweatherkote type 3 until a uniform mix is achieved. 3"CEMENT FILLET,. C.WEATHERKOTEDECKROOF WATERPROOFING GeneralIntroduction:TheShellWeatherkotesystemof roofwaterproofingconsistofa builtup application of several coats of Shell Weatherkote.BitumenEmulsions applied by spray or brush. Fiberglass Membrane:Theinclusion of fiberglass membrane is recommended to act as areinforcement should fine shrinkage cracks occur in the reinforcedconcrete roof.Use Weatherkote 3401fiberglass or approvedequivalent. Falls:Allroof surfaces should have adequatefallforpurposesinaccor-dancewith good engineeringpractice.Sub-tropical or tropical Remainder minimum 1:60 1:80 Dt!corative orUght: Reflective finish- For a decorative and light reflectingfinish, allow 2 full weeks to elapse after the Bitumen Emulsion isdry, before applying Wea-therkoteAluminum or alternative. DryingTime:AShell Weatherkote Bitumen coating can be consideredsufficient-ly dry to proceed with the next coat when on rubbingvigorously with a wet finger no brown stain is produced on thefinger.Shell Weatherkote Bitumen coatings normally reach this stagein 6 to 12 hours dependingon atmospheric conditions.Shell Weatherkote Bitumen coatings must not be applied if rain Is imminentbefore the coating has dried.,-! Spraying:If spraying is preferred,Shell Weatherkote Type 3 and 5 can be sprayed by suitable equipmentat no more than 2 1/2 gallons per 100 sq.ft. per coat. The pat-ternof any embedded fiber glass membrane must not be visible when thefinal spray has dried. Expansion Joints: Expansion joints must beso designed as tobe waterproofed, ir-respective ofthemainwaterproofing system. 1.Finish the concreteto asmoothsurface,free fromdirt, dust, etc.To adry sur Shell Weatherkoteprimer-consisting Typej mixed with equal volume of water.Allow itto dry. 2.Apply a heavy brush coat of Shell Weatherkote Type 3 andimmediately embed an open meshfiberglass membrane.The apPlicationof the membrane shouldex-tend beyond the joints about 2 inches onbo1hsides. Flashings:Flashings arenot normally required.Skirting:Where skirtings occur the Shelt Weatherkote treatmentshould be taken some 9" up the wall.Where there is existing metalflashing, the Shell Weatherkote shouldbe carriedupunder theflashing sufficient distanceto give anadequate lap. APreparatoryWork 1.Any roughnessof the concrete should be removed fromtheareasto be waterproofed. 2.The concrete surface should be brushedclean and any cracks or holes in it made good ..-B.MainWaterproofing 1.Apply a brush of 50/50 mix Weatnerkote Type3/Warer. Allow to dry (Type 3. - 1/2 gal.per 100 sq.ft.) 105 .. 1062.Apply a heavy brushcoatof neat Weatherkote Type 3over theprimedarea and immediately embedanopen-meshfiberglassmembrane.Allow to dry. (Type3- 1 1/2gal.per100 sq.ft . Fiberglassmembrane -110 sq.ft .10% for overlaps.3.Applya HeavybrushcoatofWeatherkote Type 3.Allow to dry.(Type 3- 11/ 2gal.per100 sq.ft.). 4.Afterthe application of the two coats ofWeatherkote Type 3.apply a brush coat of WeatherkoteType7appUedpreferableinthreecoats(6gals.per100 sq. ft.). 5.For anAbraison-resistant finish, appl y Weatherkote/sand mastic.Themastic flooringconsistof1 volume WeatherkoteType3 and4 Volumessand. 6.Forheat reflecting and decorative finish, apply WeatherkoteBituminous Alu-minum Paint ( 1 /2 gal.per 100 sq.ft.}.D.ESTIMATEDQUANTITIES OF MATERIALS REQUIRED PER100 SQ.FT.OF AREAWeatherkoteType 3 WeatherkoteType7 Weathorkote Aluminum SandFiberglassmembrane - 9gallons - 6gallons - . 112 gallons - 3 cu.ft.- 110 sq.ft. .(10%for overlaps}NOTE:WeatherkoteType7maybesubstitutedwithWeatherkote5.However,pleaseconsulttheSpe:cialProductsDept.,PilipinasShellPetroleumCorp.on anysubstituti oninthespecifications. E.ADVISORYSERVICE - SpecificdetailsregardingShellBituminous prOductsand their application areavailable onrequest. ....... . -.. . WEATl-IERKOT1'YPE 1FIBERGLASSMESH :141,._- 50/50 WEATMERKOTE TYPE3/WATERMESHEMSEOOEOIN WEAll1ERKOTE TYPE 3 WEATHERKOTE TYPE 3/ WATER 3"CEMENT MORTARFILLET SPECIFICATIONS: D.CONCRETE TANK WATERPROOFINGIntroduction: Thisspecificationappliesto thewaterproofingofreinforcedconcretewatertank builtunderground.Foroverheadinstallations,theinteriorwaterproofingspecifiedhereinrequiresfurtherreinforcementwithoneextralayeroffiberglassmeshandanother coat of Weatherkote Type 3 cement slurry, before applyingthe last 2 coats of Type 5 or Trowel coat of Type 7. GeneralA.Preparatory WortughwYr0Jthe ! f'lrlee , Ll Fllst Pfn Hlng11-ahinge in whichJhe pin is fastened perma-nently in place.'" FullSurfllce Hinge -a hingedesignedfor attachmenton the surface of thedOOfand jamb without mortising. z z z z z z , L006 Joint Hinge -adoorhingehavingtwoknucktes,. one of which has vertical pin thatfits in a corresponding hole in the other,bylifting the-doorup,offthe verticalpin,the door may be removed withl unscreWing the hinge.LoosePinHinge-ahingehavingaremovablepin which \ permits its twoparts to be separated. 165 166 Ptlume/16 Hinge - a type of doorhinge having a single ;oint of the pivot type,usually ofmoderndesign. 0/weKnuckleHinge - apaumellehingewithknuckles formingan oval shape. 2.Spring Hinges - ahinge c o n t a i n i n one ormore springs,when adoor is opened,the hinge returnsit to. theopenposition automaticaUy,may act inone direction only,or in bothdirections. b.Double action ExceUent for u5e inrestaurants,hospitals,kitchens, the door opens by just pushing itwith the shoulder or feet. b.Single IH:tlon C'i,' -r:::::? _,:.e..., e e :9 e 3.Pivot Hin..- the axle or pin about which awindow ordoor rotates. VtHtk:tll Spring Pivot Hingtt -a spring hinge for adoor which is mortised into the heel of the doOr.the door isfastened to the floor and door head with pivots. topprvot 167 FromSunut Magazine How to make bookshelves vesp. 30 ROUGHHARDWARESI.NAILS C.W -common wire nail with head and for strength[!:>-box nailalsousedfor strength..----------FIN- finishingnail withoutheadCOl========;>> -casing nail also withOut head SIZES,1", 11/2", 2", 21/2", 3'", 31/2", 4'",6" Masonry nails or concrete nailsThese are nails which can be driven 3/ 4 deep to concrete mortar,or brick. NOTE:Choose a nail three times longer thanthe topthickness being fastened. For exam-ple,use a1 1/2 nail whennailing1/2 plywood to a 2 x4 stud. Other common Hammer- drivenfasteners O:D====-.,.. I.'T .. 168 II.SCREWS Ctassifiedbygaugelength,headtype,andmetallic make-up. HEAD TYPES FLATHEADROUND.HEAOOVAL. H E:ADSCREW PHILIPPGf-IEAD -. . Sl-fEET-ME'tZ'L . I:Gauge 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13 and14 FLUSH CruNTER GlMKlow

ARCHITECTUR.AL UTILITIES 2 ELECTRICAL& MECHANICAL EOUIPMENTSTHENEW LADDER TYPE CURRICULUM REVISED EDITlON GEORGESALINDASALVAN... fuap ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CollegeofEngineeringandArchitecture Baguio CollegesFoundation 1980-1988First andlone graduate of B.S.Architecture,1963 North ofManila,St.LouisUniversity Baguio City Former instructor 1965-1969at St.LouisUniversity Recipient of variousACEcertificates,Architects Continuing EducationProgram AlicensedArchitect,active practitionerand a licensedbuildingconstructor,inyentor and a board topnotcher. Pastpresident ofUnited Architects Phils.Baguio Chapter 1982 and1983ElectedNationalDirector;UAP,RegionalDistrictI for the year1987.Conferredthe title of "FELLOW" United Architects Phils. College ofFellows,October,1988 . JMCPRESS,INC. 388QuezonAvenue,QuezonCityPhHippine Copyright1999 by: JMC PRESS, INC. and GEORGE S. SALVANAllrights reserved. Nopart of this book may be reproduced in anymanner without permission of the publisher. REVISED EDITIONISBN:971-11-0997-2 Published and Printed by: JMC PRESS, INC. 388QUEZONAVENUE,QUEZON CITY Tel.Nos.410-9534 7408817 TELEFAX:712-4929Distributed by: GOODWILL BOOKSTORES Glorietta 3 Mall, Ayala CenterAyala Avenue, Makati City Tel.Nos. 893-9058/893-9079FaxNo.(632)810-9033 e-mail: [email protected] Dedicated toall future Architects andEngineers The hope for afunctional,comfortable and convenient designs for better living. ..' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The completionof this book was made into realitythroughthe patient andefforts of the artist and graduate ofarchitecture,Mr. Johnny Tino Camsol. Special thanks are alsoacknowledge to the following artist who contributed in makingdraw-ings notably, Roy Pagador, Albert Martin, who help in thecover design, Fermin Balangcod, Jerry JunSuyat;GeoffreyBehis,Charles Alanqui and ClamorLecitona,all from theGSS Construction and TradingEnterprises. To the ones who lentunselfishly their Books, like Dean Aveline Cruz of the BaguioColleges Foundation EngineeringDepartment and Miss Macabiog,aLibrarian of the same school. To Mr.Luis V.Canave who guided me onthe complete process of publishing and printing books andtoMr.FranciscoC.Malicsi,TeresitaG.Espinoza,EduardoC.VillanuevaandParaides G. Aragones for their untiring cooperation in preparingthe manuscripts typewritten by Miss Thelma T. Villarealincomputerized typesetting. To the many students of Architecturewhose curiosity about and interest in Electrical and MechanicalEquipment and its realizationin book form have been a source ofinspiration. And lastly the author wants to acknowledge his heavyindebtedness to the various authors listed in the bibliography. vPREFACESincethecurriculumforB.S.Architecturewasrevised,thereisaneedforamorecomprehensive study of the subject inElectricalandMechanicalequipments.TheArchitectistheprimeprofessionalandauthorofthebuildingaesignwithwhichaprojectwillbeconstructed,hefunctionsasthecreatorandcoordinatorofthedifferentaspectsinvolvedintheplanningandassuch,Architectshastobeknowledgeableinasummer of fields in additionto those that are concerned mainly withthe building design for him to properly assist and serve hisclient.After the designis approved,the complete con-structiondrawings andspecifications are prepared.It ishere where thespecifications and detailedconstructiondrawingssettingforthindetailtheworkrequiredforElectricalandMechanicalequipments and other service-connected equipments isdone. Thisbook is intended asapracticalguide to goodelectricalandmechanicaldesigningin architecture.It iswrittenprimarily for architects,engineers,andstudents ofarchitecture, electrical engineering and civil engineering, and allothers who wish a non-mathematical but comprehensive treatise onthis subject.Usefuldesigndatahavebeenpresentedinsucha manner thatthe text can serve as a convenient handbook in the solutionof mostproblems encountered in Architecture &Electrical/Mechanicalequipments. A strong trend in modern architectural treatment is thecasual acceptance of equipment as a design element, togetherwithaesthetics,function,andstructure.Forexample,theinclinationtohideequipmentbehindfurringisdiminishing. The book is divided into three parts.It is arranged in a sequential manner so as to guide thereaderfromtheenergyandenvironmentto the indoorclimatecontrolwhichisdiscussedlengthilyhere,theauthorfeaturesthesolarenergyandfireplacedesignswhichisfastbecominga part of moderndesign. Thesecondpartdealswithelectricityandstartsfromtheprinciplestothesystemsandwiringmaterialsto the service andutilization. Whenthereader has abackgroundof these subject matter thenhe is new readyfor thewiringdesignof the whole system. The third part deals on Signalequipment and the vertical transportation which comprises theelevatorandescalators.OntheAppendixisincludedsomehighlightsofacousticsandlighting which is to be discussedmore indetail in a future book theauthor ispreparing.Eachsubjectmatterisaccompaniedimmediatelywiththecorrespondingillustrationsforclarity andthe excerpts from the electricalcode is also included.vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter1 PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY................................................1 ElectricEnergy, 2Unit of Electric Current; The Ampere,2 Unit ofElectricPotential;The Volt, 3 Unit of ElectricResistance;TheOhm, 3Ohm's Law, 4 Circuit Arrangements,4 .. Direct CurrentandAlternatingCurrent (d-eanda-c},9 ElectricPower Generation,10Power and Energy,11 Power and ElectricCircuits,11 Energy andElectricCircuits,12 ElectricLoad Control,13ElectricalMeasurements,19 Chapter2 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND MATERIALS:WIRING ..............21 SystemComponents,22 NationalElectricCode,24Economics of Material Selection,41 Energy Consideration,41ElectricalEquipment Rating Interior Wiring System, 42 Conductors,43 Conductor Ampacity, 44 Conductor Insulation and Jackets, 44Copper andAluminum Conductors, 47 FlexibleMetal CladCable, 47Conductors for General Wiring, 48 Non Metallic SheatedCable,48Special Cable Types,49 Busway, 50 CableBus,52 Flat CableAssemblies,53 Cable Tray, 56 ClosedRaceways,56 Floor Raceways, 63CeilingRaceway System, 70 Prewired CeilingDistribution System, 72Boxes andCabinets,72 Chapter3ELECTRICALSYSTEMSANDMATERIALSSERVICE& UTILIZATION...........................................................................75Electric Service,75 OverheadService,76 Underground Service,76Underground Wiring, 78 ServiceEquipment; 79 Transformers,79 ServiceEquipment Arrangements and Metering, 82 ix Chapter4 ServiceSwitch,83 Switches, 84 Contactors, 96 SpecialSwitches, 96 CircuitProtectiveDevice,96 Switchboards andSwitchgear, 96 UnitSubstation,102 Panelboards,105 ElectricMotors,110 Motor Control,111Receptacles,112 SwitchDevice,113 Outlet andDeviceBoxes,115 LightingProtection System, 116 Emergency/Standby Power Equipment,120ELECTRIC WIRING DESIGN GeneralConsideration,124 LoadEstimating,125System Voltage,129 Grounding and GroundFault Protection,134DesignProcedure,136 ElectricSpaces,137 ElectricClosets,140Equipment Layout,141 Applicationof Overcurrent Equipment,142BranchCircuit Design,144 Alternative WiringTechniques,146BranchCircuitDesign,148 Guidelines Residential Load Tabulation,161PanelLoadCalculation,163 RiserDiagrams,170 ServiceEquipmentandSwitchboard Design,171 EmergencySystem,171 123 Chapter5HEATING,VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING .....................181 X Metabolism,182 ThermalEquilibriumandComfort,182 Regulationof theThermalEnvironment,183 Criteriafor Thermal Comfort,186. IndoorHumidity in Winter,185 Copingwith SpecialConditions,186TheRecycling of Air,187 HeatLoss ThermalValue of Walls andRoofs,189Importance of Heat Conservation, 190 Nature ofHeat Flow,192 HeatFlowThrough Homogenous Solids,192 Air Spaces,197 Effect of AirMotion, 198 Transmission ThroughBuilding Units,198 Residential HeatGain, 199 NonResidential Heat Gain Calculations, 201 ReflectiveInsulating Glass. 202 Solar Energy and Energy Conservation, 203Chapter6 HeatingCoolingVentilation,216 EnergyRequirements,218Combustion,Chimneys andFuelStorage,218 WarmAirHeating,220ResourcefulnessintheDesignof WarmAirSystem, 226 HotWaterandSteamBoilders,229 Hot WaterHeating System,232CirculatingPump,237 Fireplaces,238 Hydronic Heating Design andZoning, 250 RefrigeratedCooling for House,254 CentralStationAirConditioning, 256 Psychrometry,262 TheHeat Pump, 265TheInductionMethod, 267 IncrementalHeating CoolingUnits, 268DualDuct HighVelocity Systems,270 Ventilation,273 SIGNAL SYSTEMPrivateResidentialSystem,278 ResidentialFireAlarmSystems,280ResidentialIntrusionAlarmSystems,285ResidentialTelevisionAntennaSystems,286ResidentialIntercomandSoundSystem, 286ResidentialTelephoneSystem,287 NonCodedManualStations, 290CodedManual Stations,291 Sprinkler Alarms,291 FireProtection,292Non CodedSystems,294 Master CodedSystems, 295 ZoneCodedSystems,296DualCodedSystems,297 Selective CodedSystems,297 OfficeBuildingPrivate Telephone andIntercom Systems,299IndustrialBuildingSecurity Systems,301IndustrialBuildingPagingSystem,305IndustrialBuildingFireAlarmSystems,305 278 Chapter7TRANSPORTATION,.. ......... ...... .... .. .... .... ... ... .... ... ....... ........ ...308 PassengerElevator,308 ElevatorEquipment,308GearlessTractionMachines,311 GearedTractionMachines,311ArrangementofElevatorMachines, Sheaves andropes,312 Safety Devices,314 Elevator Doors,315 Cabs andSignals,318 Elevator Selection, 319Single ZoneSystem,334 ThePhysicalProperties andSpatial, XIRequirements of Elevators, 335 SpecialElevators,345FreightElevators,359 Material-HandlingEquipment,355 MovingStairwaysand Walks,359 Location.360 Parallel andCrisscrossArrangements,361SizeCapacity andSpeed,363 Components,364 StandardVersusModularDesigns,366 Safety Features,369 FireProtection,370 Application,373Moving WalksandRamps,375 APPENDICES.......................................... ................... .. .... .. .......... .xii Acoustics Lighting chapterPRINCIPLESOF ELECTRICITY PRINCIPLESOFELECTRICITY 2 1.ELECTRICITY ENERGY In terms of naturalresourceselectricity is an expensive fonn of energy. since the efficiency ofheat-to-electricity conversion,on acommercial scale,rarely exceeds40%.Electricity con-stitutes a form of energy itsetf which occursnaturally only in unusable forms such as lightn-ing and otherstatic discharges or in the natural galvanic cells,which causecorrosion.The primary problem in the utilization of electric energyis that, unlike fuels or even heat, it can-not be stored andtherefore must be generatedandutilized at the sameinstanf. The bulkof electric energy utilized today is in the form of alternatingcurrent (a-c),produc-edbya-cgenerators,commonlycalledalternators.Direct-current(d-elgeneratorsareutilized for special applications requiring large quantities ofd-e.Inthe building field such a requirement is found in elevatorwork. Smaller quantities of d-e, furnished either by batteries orby rectifiers are utilized for telephone and signal equipment,controls, and other specializ-edusas. 2.UNIT OFELECTRIC CURRENT THE''AMPERE" When electricity flows in a conductor, a certain numberof electron$ pass a given point in the conductor in 1 second.Numerically, an ampere of current flows in a conductor when 6.25 x1018electrons pass a givencross sectionin1 second.Current oramperage, is abbreviated Amp, Amps or a.(on120 volt service,theordinary 100 Watt lamp filament carries about 0.833 amp,the motorfor a desk calculator. about 1.00 amp.} Current is represented inequa-tions by 1. Battery Produces Voltage "V'' Pump producesPressure" P" T CURReNT cf:o-------.J Switch ELECTRIC-HYDRAULICANALOGY RESISTANCE ..,R..,. FRICTION 'F .. It is convenient toestablish an analogy between electric systems and mechani_calsystems as an aid to comprehension.Current, or amperage, is ameasure of flow and, and such, wouldcorrespondtowaterflowinahydraulicsystem.Thecorrespondenceisnotcomplete, however, since in the hydraulic system the velocity ofwater flow varies, whereas in the elec-tricsystemthevelocityofpropagation is constantandf!18Ybeconsideredinstantaneous; hence,theneed to utilize the electric energy the instant it is produced.3.UNIT OF ELECTRIC POTENTIAL THE "VOLT" OR "V" The electronmovement and its concomittant energy, which constituteselectricity, is caused bycreatingahigherpositiveelectricchargeatonepointonaconductorthanexistsat another point on that sameconductor. This difference in charge can be created in a number ofways.The oldest and simplest method is by electrochemical action,asin the battery.In the ordinary dry cell,or in a storage battery,chemical action causes positive charges +tocollectonthepositiveterminalandelectronsornegativecharges(-Jtocollectonthenegativeterminals.Thereisa definite forceattraction,or tendencytoflow,betweentheelectrifiedparticlesconcentratedatthepositiveandnegativeterminals.Potentialdif-ferenceorVoltageisthenamegiventothiselectromotiveforceemf.Thisforceisanalogous to pressure in a hydraulic or pneumatic system. Just asthe pressure produced by a pump or blower causes water or air toflow in a connecting pipe, sotoo the potential (emf, voltage)produced by a battery (or generator) causes current to flow whenthe terminals bet-weenwhich a voltage exists are connectedby aconductor. Thehigher the voltage(pressure},the higher the currentWow) for a given resistance(fric-tion). LOAD R TERMINAI..S +BATTERY 4.UNIT OF ELECTRICRESISTANCE: THEOHM SWITCHByconventioncurrentisassistedto flowfrompositiveI + }tonegative {-). The flow of fluid in a hydraulic system is impeded byfriction;the flow of current in an elec-tric circuitisimpededresisted)by resistance,whichis theelectricaltermforfriction.In a direct-current circuit (d-el this unit is calledresistance and is abbreviated R;in an alternating-current circuit(a-c)it is called impedance and is abbreviated Z.The unit ofmeasurement is calledtheohm. Materials displaydifferent resistanceto theflow of electric current.Metals generally havetheleastresistanceandarethereforecalledconductors.Thebestconductorsarethe3 4 preciousmetals-silver,gold,andplatinum-with coppetandaluminumonly slightlyin-ferior.Conversely,materialsthatresisttheflowofcurrentarecalledinsulators.Glass,mica,rubber,oil,distilledwater,porcelain,andcertainsyntheticssuchasphenoliccom-pounds exhibit this insulatingpropertyandarethereforeusedto insulateelectricconduc-tors.Common examplesare .rubber and plastic wire coverings,porcelain lamp sockets,andoil-immersed switches. INSULATOR 5.OHM'S LAW Thecurrent Ithat willflow in ad-ecircuit is directly proportionalto the voltage Vandin-versely proportional to the resistance R of the ci rcuit.Expressed as an equation, we have the basic formofOhm's law that vI =-R-that is,a current1 is produced that is proportionalto theelectric pressure Vandinversely proportionalto theelectricfrictionR. Examples: 1)An incandescent lamp having a hotresistance of 66 ohms is put into a socket that iscon-nectedtoa 115V supply.What current flows throughthe lamp? I=.::!__I=.!..!.?=1.74 amperes R66 (thesefigures correspondto a normal 200 Wlamp)2)Abathroomheater draws11amperesat120V whatisits hot resistance?R="i= 120 =10.91ohms I11 (these figures correspondto a1320Wportable heater 3)Ahouseholdelectricwaterheaterisrated220Vand20amperes.Whatistheunit'sresistancewhendrawing this amountof current? R=Y.8= 220 = 11 OhmsI20 6.CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS a)Series CircuitsTheelementsareconnectedoneaftertheotherinseries.Thus,theresistanceand voltages add. -......lo --......c\oo*-1 'f-+++ S VOLTS 9VOLTS 10 OHMS15OHMS -oPQQQ J INATE:t:Tlbf-.1!"DRlAUE AIRa!Z'a.liT t.aJILpjt.j - t.V.INFEECERSAHPBUILPII"G. 23 24 2.NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE-Or NEC is acode used by all inspectors, electrical designers, engineers,contractors, and the operating personnelchargedwiththeresponsibilityfor safeoperation. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OFTHEPHILIPPINES RULE IX-ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section102,203 and 1301 of the National Building Code (PO 1096) thefollowingRulesshallgoverntheinstallationQfPrimaryandSecondaryDistributionLines,Transformersandother equipment insubdivisions alongpublicandprivateroadsandat-tachedto or over buildings.1.GeneralLocational .RequirementsinTowns,Subdivisions,HumanSettlements,In-dustrialEstatesand the like. Overhead transmission and/or distributionlines/systems includingtransformers, poles,towersandthelikeshallbelocatedandinstalledfollowingthelateststandardsofdesign, construction and maintenance. However, in the interest ofpublic safety, conve-ni ence,good viewingandaestheticsmay belocatedandinstalledalongalleysorback streets so asnot tocausevisualpollution. 2.Locationof Poles and Clearances ofPowerLines alongPublicRoads. a.All poles erected on public roadsshall be covered by Approved Pole Location (APU plan from theHighway District City/Municipal Engineer. b.Polesandtransformersupportsshallbelocated not more than 500 mm inside from the roadright-of-way or property line, and shall not obstruct the sidwalk,pedestrian path and/or the road drainage canal orstructure,existing or proposed. c.Primary lines shall have aminimum vertical clearance of 10M from the crown of the pavementwhencrossingthehighway and7.5 Mfromthetop of the shoulderorsidewalk when installedalongthe side of the highway or street in ahighly urbanized area. d.Secondary, neutral and service lines shallhave a minimum vertical clearance of 7.5 M fromthecrownof theroadpavement when crossi ng the highway and from the top of theshoulder or sidewalk when installed alongthe side of the highway orstreet in highly urbanized areas.e.ClearancesofSupportingStructures suchasPoles,Towers,andothersandtheir guys and braces measured from thenearest parts of the objects concerned: FromFireHydrants,notlessthan5M. FromStreetCorners.wherehydrantsarelocatedatstreetcorners,polesand towers shall be be set so far from thecorners as to make necessary the use of fly-ingtaps whichareinaccessiblefromth'epoles. From Curbs,not less than150 mmmeasured from the curb awayfrom the road-way. NOTE:Guy wiresandother structures shallinno way be installedas to obstructpedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. 3.Attachments on andClearances from Buildings a.Attachments for support of powerlinesand cables,transformersand other equip-ment and/orcommunications linesinstalled onbuildings shall be covered by anAp-proved Attachment Plan from the localBuilding Official. b.Wherebuildings exceed 15M in height, overhead lines shall be arrangedwhere prac-ticable so that a clear space or zones at least 2 M widewill be left, either adjacent to the building or beginning not over2.5 Mfrom the building, to facilitate the raising of ladderswherenecessaryforfirefighting. EXCEPTION:Thisrequirement doesnotapply whereit istheruleof the localfire department to exclude theuseof ladders in alleys or other restricted places which generallyoccupied by supply lines.Table1.MinimumVerticalClearanceofWiresAboveGroundorRails(Supplywires include trolley feeders) Nature of Ground or railsunder-neath Overheadguys: messengers: Communications, span,andlightning protectionwires; communication cable;supply cable havingeffectively grounded continuous metalsheat,orin-sulatedconductorssupported on and cabledtogether with aneffectively groundedmessenger, allvoltages WHERE WIRESCROSSOVER Opensupplylinewires,are wires and service drops 15000 0to750 toto 7501500050000voltsvoltsvolts T roilycontact con-tact conductors and ..associatedspanor messenger wires 0 toExceed-750ing 750 voltsvoltstotoground ground MetersMetersMetersMetersMetersMeters Trackrails ofrailroads(except electrifiedrailroads using overhead trolleyconductors) handling freight cars on top of whichmenarepermittedTrackrailsof rail roads(except electrified railroads using overheadtrolley conductors) not included above Publicstreet,alleysorroadsor roads in urban or rural districts Drivewaysto residence garagesSpaces or ways accessible to pedestrianonly 8.20 5.50 5.50 3 3 4.58.20 5.50 5.50 3 4.5 8.596.76.7 66.75.56 66.75.564.,ANDWITHINTHELIMITSOFPUBLICHIGHWAYSOROTHERPUBLICRIGHTS-OF-WAY FORTRAFFIC Streetoralleysinurbandis-tricts Roadsin ruraldistricts 5.50 4.20 5.5 4.56 5.5 6.7 6 5.5 5.5 6 6 25 26 4.Open Supply Conductors Attached toBuilding Where the permanent attachment of open supply conductorsof any class to buildings is necessary for anentrancesuchconductors shallmeet the following requirements: a.Conductorsof morethan300 voltsto ground shallnot becarried along or near thesurfaceof the buildingunlesstheyareguardedor madeinaccessible.b.Topromotesafetytothegeneralpublicandtoemployeesnotauthorizedtoap-proachconductorsandothercurrent-carryingpartsofelectricsupplylines,such parts shall be arranged so as to provideadequate clearance from the ground or other space generallyaccessible, or shall be provided with guards so as to isolate themef-fectively from accidentalcontact by suchpersons.c.Ungroundedmetal-sheathedservicecables,serviceconduits,metalfixturesand similarnon-currentcarryingparts,iflocatedinurbandistrictsandwhereliabletobecome charged to more t h n300 volts to ground, shall beisolated or guarded so as not to be exposed to accidental contactby unauthorized persons.As an alternativetoisolationorguardingnon-current-carryingpartsshallbesolidlyoreffectivelygrounded. d.Clearance of wires from building surface shall be notless than those required in Table 2. Table 2.Clearances of SupplyConductors fromBuildings VOLTAGEOFSUPPLY CONDUCTORS 300to 8,700volts More than8,700 to 15,000 volts More than15;000 to 50,000volts Exceeding50,000 volts HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE INMETERS 1.0 2.53:0 3.0 plus 10 mm per Kv in excess VERTICALCLEARANCE INMETERS 2.52.5 3.0 3.0 plus10 mm per Kv in excess (2)Where spanlength exceeds45 Mthe increased clearances required by Rule232,B,1 ofthePECshallbeprovided.e.Supportsoverbuildings.Service-dropconductorspassingoveraroofshallbesecurely supported by substantial structures. Where practicable,such supports shall be independent of the Building. 5.ConductorsPassingBy or Over Buildings a.Minimum Clearances.Unguarded oraccessible supply conductors carrying voltages inexcessof300voltsmayberune i t h rbesideoroverbuildings.The verticalorhorizontal clearanceto any buildingor itsattachments(balconies,platforms,etc.) shall be as listed below. Thehorizontal clearance governs above the roof level to the pointwhere the diagonal equals the verticalclearance" requirement. Thisrule should not beinterpreted asrestrictingthe installationofatrolleycontact conductor over the approximate centerline ofthetrackit serves. b.Guardingof Supply Conductors/Supply Conductorsof 300 volts ormore shallbe proPllrly guarded by groundedconduit,barriers,or otherwise,under the following conditions:1)Where the clearances set forth in Table 2 above cannot beobtained. 2)Where suchsupply conductors areplacednearenough towindows, verandas, fire escapes,or other ordinarilyaccessibleplaces within the reachof persons.NOTE:Supplyconductorsingroundedmetalsheathedcablesareconsideredtobeguardedwithin themeaningof this rule.c.Wheretherequiredclearancescannotbeobtained,supplyconductorsshallbeorGroundedMetallicShield,JacketedPrimaryCablesgroupedorbundledandsup-portedbygroundedmessenger wires. Table 3.Minimum Clearance in Any DirectionFrom Line Conductors to supports, and to Vertical or LateralConductors. Span OlGuy Wires Attached to the Same Support Allvoltages are between conductors) Clearance of lineconduc-torsfrom-Verticaland lateralconduc-tors:Of same ci rcuit Of othercir-cuits Spanand guy wires attached to samepole: GeneralWhenparallelto Ligtning-protection wires paralleltoline Surfaces ofcross-arms Surfacesof poles In gene-ral mm 75 75 75 75 75 756.Clearanceof Service Drops Communication lines On joint-ly usedpoles mm 75 75 150 150 75 125 Ingene-ral mm 75 150 150 300 75 75Supply Lines 0to 8,700 volts On joint-ly used poles mm 75 150 150300 75 125 Exceeding 8,700 volts, and for each 1,000 volts ofexcess mm 6.25 10 lO 10 5 5 a.Servicedrop conductorsshallnotbereadi lyaccessibleandwhennot inexcessof 600volts,shall conform tothe following: 27 28 Clearance Over Roof. ' Conductors shallhave aclearance of not less than 2,5 M from the highest point of roofsover which they pass withthe followingexcep-tions:ExceptionNo.1.Where thevoltagebetweenconductors doesnot exceed300votts and the roof has a slope of not less than100 mm in300 mm, theclearance may not be less than1 M. Exception No. 2.Service dropconductors of 300 volts or less which do not pass over other thanamaximum of 1.2 Mof the overhang portion of the roof for thepurpose of terminating at a through-the-roof service raceway orapproved support may be maintained at aminimumof 500 mm from anyport.ionof the roof over which they pass.... b.Clearance fromGround. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 3M fromthegroundor from any platform or projectionfromwhichthey mightbereached. c.Clearance fromBuilding Openings.Conductors shallhaveahorizontalclearance of not less than 1 M from windows, doors,porches, fire escapes or similar locations and shallberun at least500 mm abovethe top levelof a window or opening. d.Service Drop of'communication lines, when crossing a street, shallhave a clearanceof not less than5.50 meters fromthecrown of thestreet orsidewalkover whichit passes. Service Drop of communication Jinesshall have a minimum clearance of 3.00 meters above ground at itspoint of attachment to the building or pedestal. e.No parts ofswimming and wadingpools shallbe placedunder existingservice-dropconductors orany other over-head wiring; nor shallsuch wiring beinstalled above the following:a)Swimmingandwadingpoolsandtheareaextending3.00metersoutwardhorizontally fromthe insideof the walls of the pool.b)DivingStructures c)Observation stands,towers or platforms7.WiringMethods Service entrance conductors extending alongtheexterior or entering buildings or other structures shallbeinstalled inrigidsteelconduitor asbestoscement conduit or con-creteencased plastic conduit from point of seNice drop to meter socketand from meter to the disconnecting equipment.However, where theservice entrance conductors are protected by approvedfuses orbreakersat their outer ends !immediately after the ser-vicedroporlateral ) theymay beinstalledanyof therecognizedwiringmethods.a.Abandoned Lines and/ or portions of Jines no longer required toprovide service shall beremoved. b.Power or communicationpoles,lines,service drops and other line equipment shall be freefrom any attachment for antennas,signs,streamersandthe like_c.Metallicsheathsorjacketsofoverheadpowerorcommunicationcablesshallbegroundedatapointascloseaspossibletogroundlevelwheneversuchcableschange from overheadto underground installations. 8.Transformersa.Oil-insulatedTransforme,.InstalledOutdoo,.Combustiblematerial.Com-bustible buildings andparts ofbuildings,free escapes,door and window openings shall besafeguarded from fires originating in oil-insulated transformersinstalled on, attachedto, or adjacent to abuilding orcombustiblematerial.Space separations, fireresistantbarriersandenclosures whichconfine the. oil of rapturedtransformer tank arerecognized safeguards. One Or more of these safeguards shall beapplied ac-cording to the degree of hazardinvolved in cases wherethe transformer installation presents a fire hazard. Oil enclosuresmay consist of fire-resistant dikes, curbed areas or basins, ortrenches filled with coarse, crushed stone. Oil enclosures shall bepro-vided with trapped drains in cases where the exposure and thequantity of oil involv-ed are suchthat removed of oil is important.b.Dry-Type Transformers InstalledIndoors.Transformersrated112-1/2KVAorlessshallhaveseparationofatleast300mmfromcombustiblematerialunlessseparatedtherefromby afire-resistantheat-insulating barrier,orunless of a rating not exceeding 600 volts andcompletely enclosedexcept for ventilatingopenings . .. Transformers of more 112-1/2KVA rating shall be installed in a transformer roomof-ficeresistantconstructionunlesstheyareconstructedwithClassB(80Crise)or Class H(150C rise) insulation, and are separated from combustible materialnot less than 1.85 Mhorizontally and 3.7 M vertically or areseparated therefrom by a fire-re-sistant heat-insulating barrier.Transformers ratedmore35,000 volts shallbeinstalled in a vault.c.Askarel-lnsulatedTransfformenlnstaftedIndoors.Askarel-insulatedtransformers rated in excess of 25 KVA shall be furnished with apressure-relief vent. Where installed in a poorly ventilated placethey shall be furnished with a means for absorbing any gasesgenerated by arcing inside the case,or the pressure relief ventshallbeconnectedtoachimneyor fluewhichwillcarrysuchgasesoutsidethebuilding. Askarel-insulated transformers rated more than 35,000volts shall be install-edin a vault. d.Oil-Insulated TransformersInstalled Indoors. Oil-insulated transformers shall be installed ina vault constructed as specified in thisSection except asfollows:11NOTOVER112-1/2KVATOTALCAPACITY.Theprovisionsfortransformer vaultsspecified in Section 9.3 of this Rule apply except that the vaultmay be con-structed of reinforcedconcretenot less than100 mm thick.2)NOT OVER600VOLTS.Avaultisnot requiredprovided suitablearrangementsaremadewherenecessarytopreventatransformeroilfireignitingotherandthe total transformer capacity in one location does not exceed10 KVA in a section of the building classified ascombustible,or 75KVA where the surrounding structure is classifiedasfire-resistantconstruction. 3)FURNACE TRANSFORMERS.Electric furnace transformersof a total rating not exceeding 75 KVA may be installed without avault in a building or room offire-resistantconstructionprovidedsuitablearrangementsaremadetopreventatransformer oil fire spreadingto other combustiblematerial.4)DETACHED BUILDING. Transformers may be installed in a buildingwhich does not conform with the provisions specified in this Codefor transformer vault, pro-vided neither the building nor itscontents present fire hazard to any other building orproperty,andprovidedthe building is usedonly insupplyingelectricservice andthe interior is accessible only toqualitied persons: e.Guarding. Transformers shallbeguardedasfollows: 1)MECHANIC PROTECTION. Appropriate provisionsshall be made to minimize thepossibilityofdamagetotransformersfromexternalcauseswherethetransformers are located exposedto physical damage. 21CASEORENCLOSURE.Dry-Typetransformersshaltbeprovidedwithanon-combustiblemoisture resistantcaseor enclosurewhich willprovidereasonableprotection against accident insertion of foreignobjects. 29 3031EXPOSED LIVE PARTS. The transformer installation shall conformwith the pro-visions for guarding of livepartsinPECRule1056.4)VOLTAGE WARNING. The operating voltage of exposed live parts oftransformer installation shall be indicated by signs visiblemarkings on the equipment or struc-tures. 9.Provisions forTransformers Vaults a.NewBuilding.Newbuildingrequiringanexpectedloaddemandof 200KVAor aboveshallbeprovidedwitha transformer vault,except that tran.sformersmaybe mounted on poles or structures within the property if enoughspace is available,pro-vided that all clearances required can beobtained and no troublesome contaminationoninsulators,bushings,etc.cancausehazardsandmalfunctioningof'1heequip-ment.b.location. Transformer and transformer vaults shall be readilyaccessible to qualified personnel for inspection and maintenance.Vaults shall be located where they can be ventilated to the outsideair without using or ducts wherever such anarrangement ispracticable. c.Walls, Roof and Floor. The walls and roofs of vaultsshall consist of reinforced con-crete not less than 150 mm thick,masonry or brick not less than 200 mm thick, or 300 mmloadbearinghollow concreteblock shallhavea coatingof cementor gypsumplaster not lessthan 20 mm thick.The vault shall have a concretefloor not less100 mm thick. Building walls and floors which meetthese requirements may serve for the floor, roof and one or morewalls of the vaults. Other forms of fire-resistant construc-tionare also acceptable provided they have adequate structural strengthfor the con-ditions and a minimum fire resistance of two andone-half hours according to the ap-proved Fire Test Standard. Thequality of the material used in the construction of the vaultshallbe of the grade approvedby theBuildingOfficial havingjurisdiction. d.Doorways.Any doorway leading from the vault intothe building shall be protected asfollows: 1tTYPEOFDOOR.Eachdoorwayshallbeprovidedwith atight-fittingdoor of atypeapprovedforopeningsinsuchlocationsbytheauthorityenforcingthisCode. 2)SILLS.Adoor sill or curb of sufficient height to confinewithin the vault,the oil fromthelargest trensformer shallbeprovidedandin no caseshallbeheight be less than100 mm.3)LOCKS.Entrancedoors shallbeequippedwithlocks,anddoors shallbekeptlocked, access being allowed only to qualified persons.Locks Jndlatches shall be soarrangedthat the door may bereadily 'andquicklyopened from the inside. 10.Ventilation.Ventilation shallbe adequateto prevent a transformer temperature in ex-cess oftheprescribedvalues. a.Ventilation Openings. When required,openings for ventilation shall be provided in accordance with thefollowing: 1)LOCATION.Ventilationopeningsshallbelocatedasfar awayaspossiblefrom doors,windows,fire escapes and combustible material.2)ARRANGEMENT. Vaults ventilated by natural circulation of air mayhave roughly half of the total area of openings required forventilation in one or more opsnings near the floor and theremainder in one or more openings in the roof or in the side-wallsnear the roof;or allof the arearequired for ventilationmaybeprovided in oneor more openingsin or. near the roof. 31SIZE.Inthecaseof vaults ventilatedto anoutdoor areawithout usingducts orflues the combinednet areaof allventilatingopenings after deductingthearea occupied by screens,gratings, or louvers,shall be not lessthan.006 sq,mm per KVA of transformer capacity in service, exceptthat the net areashall be not less than0.1sq.m.for anycapacityunder50 KVA.5)DAMPERS.Whereautomaticdampersareusedintheventilationopeningsofvaults containing oil-insulated transformers,the actuating deviceshould be made to function at a temperature resultingfrom fire andnot a tempera..,...whichmightprevailasaresultofanoverheatedtransformerorbankoftransformers.Automatic dampers should be designed and constructed to minimizethe possibili-ty of accident closing. 6.DUCTS.Ventilatingductsshallbe constructedof fire resi5%antmaterial.7.DRAINAGE.Wherepracticable,vaultscontainingmorethan100.KVAtransformercapacityshallbeprovidedwithadrainor othermeanswhichwillcarryoff any accumulationof oilor waterinthevaultsunlesslocalconditions make thisimpracticable.The floorshallbepitchedto the drainwhenprovided.8.WATERPIPESANDACCESSORIES.'Anypipeorduct systemforeigntotheelectrical installation should not enter or passthrough atransformer vault. Where the presenceof suchforeignsystemcannot beavoided,appurtenances theretowhichrequiremaintenanceatregularintervalsshallnotbelocatedinsidethevaults.Arrangementshallbemadewherenecessarytoavoidpossibletroublefromcompensation,leaksandbreaksinsuchforeignsystem.Pipingorotherfacilitiesprovidedforfireprotectionorforwater-cooledtransformersarenotdeemed to beforeignto theelectricalinstalltion. 11.CAPACITORSa.Application.This Sectionapplies to installation of capacitors onelectric circuits in or onbuildings. Exception No.1. Capacitorsthat are components of other apparatus shall conform to therequirements for suchapparatus. Exception No. 2.Capacitors inhazardous locations shall comply with additional re-quirementsinPECsection400-414. location.Aninstallationof capacitorsinwhichanysingleunit containmore than three gallons of combustible liquidshall be in vault conforming to part C of PECSec-tion 319.MechanicalProtection.Capacitorsshallbeprotectedfromphysicaldamagebylocation or by suitable fences,barriers or other enclosures. Casesand Supports. Capacitors shall be provided with non combustiblecases and supports.rransformersUsedwithCapacitors.Transformerswhicharecomponentsof:apacitor to a power circuit shall be installed inaccordancewithPECSection 319. TheKVA ratingshallnot be lessthan135 per centof the capacitor ratinginKvar. 12.Emergency Systemsa.TheprovisionsofthisSectionshallapplytotheinstallation,operationandmaintenance of circuits, systems and equipment intended to supplyillumination and powerintheeventof failureof thenormalsupply orintheeventof accidentto elementsof a systemsupplying powerilluminiation essentialfor safetytolife and propertywheresuchsystems or circuits arerequiredby theFireCode,or byanygovernment agency having jurisdiction. 31 32Emergencysystemaregenerally installedinplacesof assemblywhereartificialil-lumination is required,such as buildings subjectto occupancy by largenumbers of persons,hotels, theaters, sportsarenas,hospitals and similar institutions.Emergen-cysystemsprovidepowerforsuchfunctionsasrefrigeration,operationofmechanicalbreathing apparatus,ventilationessentialtomaintainlife,illumination andpower forhospitalroom,firealarmsystems,firepumps,industrialprocesseswherecurrentinterruptionwould produce serioushazards,publicaddresssystems andother similar functions. b.All requirements of .thisSectionshallapply to emergency systems. c.Allequipmentforuseonemergency systemsshallbeproperly approved. d.TestsandMaintenance 1)The authority having jurisdiction shall conduct orwitness a test on the complete systemupon completionofinstallation,andperiodically afterwards. 2)Systems shall be testedperiodically in accordance with a schedule acceptable totheauthorityhavingjurisdictiontoassurethattheyaremaintainedinproperoperatingcondition. 3)Where the battery systems or unit equipmentare involved, including batteries us-edforstartingorignitioninauxiliary engines,theauthorityhavingjurisdiction shallrequireperiodicmaintainance.4.Awritten recordshallbe kept of suchtests andmaintenance.e.Emergencysystemsshallhaveadequatecapacityandratingfortheemergencyoperationof all equipment connected to the system. f.Currentsupplyshallbe suchthat intheeventof failureof the normalsupply to orwithin the building to group of buildings concerned, emergencylighting to emergen-cy power, will be immediately available. Thesupply system for emergency purposes may be composed of one or moreof the types of systems coveredin Section12.7 shallsatisfytheapplicablerequirements of thisSection. Consideration mustbe given to the type of ser:vice to berendered;whether for shortduration,asforexitlightsofatheater,orforlongduration,asforsupplyingemergencypower andlighting duringlongperiodsof currentfailurefromtrouble eitherinside or outsidethebuildingsasinthecaseofa hospital.Assignmentofdegreeofreliabilityoftherecognizedemergencysupplysystemdepends upon the careful evaluation of the variables of eachparticular installation. g.A storage battery of suitable rating andcapacity shall supply, by means of a service installedaccordingtoSection200of thePECandmaintainedat nonmofe than90percentofsystemvoltage,thetotalloadofthecircuitssupplyingemergencylighting andemergency power for a period of at least 1/2 hour.Batteries,whether of the acidor alkalitype,shallbe designedandconstructed--to meet therequirements of the emergencyservice.Lead-acidtype batteriesshallin-clude low gravity acid( 1.20to 1.22 S P. GR.), relatively thick and rugged-plated andseparators,and a transparent jar. h.Ageneratorset drivenby someformof primemover,withsufficient capacity and proper ratingtosupplycircuitscarryingemergencylighting or lighting andpower,equipped with suitable means for autormatically starting the primemover on failure of the normal service shallbe provided.Forhospitals,the transition-time from ins-tant of failure of thenormal power source to the E!mergency generator source shall notexceedtenseconds.(SeeSection12.4). i.There shall be two service,each in accordance with Section 200 of the PEC,widely separatedelectrically andphysically to minimize the possibility ofsimultaneous in-terruption of power supply arising from anoccurence within the building or group of buildings served.j.Connection on the line side of the main service shall besufficiently separated fromsaidmainservicetopreventsimultaneousinterruptionofsupplythroughanoc-curencewithin the buildingor group of buildingsserved. k.The requirements of Section12.3 and Section12.6 alsoapply to installations where the entire electrical load on aservice or subservice is arranged to be supplied froma secondsource.Current supply from a standby power plant shall satisfy therequire-ment of availability in Section12.6.I.Audibleandvisualsignaldevicesshallbeprovided,wherepracticable,forthefollowingpurposes:.. a)To givewarningof dearrangementoftheemergencyor auxiliarysource. b)To indicate that the battery orgenerator setis carrying a load. c)To indicate when a batterycharger is properly functioning. m.Only appliances and lampsspecified as required for emergency use shall be supplied byemergency lighting circuits.n.Emergencyilluminationshallbeprovidedforallrequiredexitlightsandallotherlights specified asnecessary for sufficient illumination. Emergencylighting systems should be so designed and installedthat thefailureof any individuallightingelement,suchasthe burningout ofalight bulb,shallnot leave any areain totaldarkness. o.Branchcircuits intended to supply emergency lighting shall be soinstalled as to pro vide service immediately when the normal supplyfor lighting is interrupted. Suchin-stallationsshallprovideeitheroneof thefollowing: 1)An emergencylighting supply,independent of the generallighting system withprovisionsforautomaticallytransferringto the emergencylightsbymeansof devices approved for the purpose upon the event of failureof the general lighting systemsupply.2)Twoormoreseparateandcompletesystemswithindependentpower supply,each system providing sufficient current for emergency lightingpurposes and are both lighted, means shall be provided forautomatically energizing either systemuponfailureoftheother.Eitherorbothsystemsmaybepartofthegenerallightingsystemsoftheprotectedoccupancyifcircuitssupplyinglights .for emergency illuminationareinstalledinaccordancewithotherSectionsof this Rule. p.For branch circuits which supply equipment classedas emergency, there shall be an emergency supply source to whichthe load will be transferred automatically and im-mediately uponthe failure of the normal supply. q.Emergency circuit wiringshallbe kept entirely independent of allother wiring and equipmentand shall not enter the same-race-way, box or cabinet with otherwiring except: a)Intransfer switches,or b)Inexit or emergencylighting fixtures supplied from two (2)sources. r.The switchesinstalled in emergency lighting circuits. shall be so arranged thatonly authorized persons have control of emergency lighting, except:a)Where two or more single throw switches are connected jnparallelto controla single circuit, at least one of those switchesshall be accessible only to authorized persons. 33 34b)Additionalswitches which act only to put emergencylights intooperationbut not todisconnectthem may be permitted. Switchesconnected in series and three-and-tour-way switches shall not beallowed. s.Allmanualswitches for controllingemergency circuitsshallbelocatedat the most accessibleplacetoauthorizedpersonsresponsible fortheiractuation.Inplacesofassembly,suchastheaters,aswitchforcontrollingemergencylightingsystemsshallbe located inthe lobby or at a place conveniently accessibletherefrom. In no case shall, a control switch for emergencylighting in a theater for motion pic-ture projection be placedinthe projection booth or on the stage.However, where multipleswitches are provided,one such switch may be installed in suchlocations andso arranged that itcanenergizebut not disconnectforthe circuit."' t.Lights on the exterior of the building which are.not required for illumination when there is sufficient daylightmay be controlled by an automatic light-actuated device approvedtorthe purpose. u.In hospital corridors,switching arrangements totransfer corridor lighting inpatientareasofhospitalsfromoverheadfixturesto designedtoprovidenightlighting may bepermitted,that switches canonly selectbetweentwosetsof fix-tures but cannot extinguish both sets at the sametime.v.The branchcircuits over current devices in emergency circuitsshall be accessible to authorizedpersonsonly.w.Wherepermittedbytheauthorityhavingjurisdiction,inlieuofothermethodsspecifiedelsewhereinthisSection,individualunitequipmentforemergencyilluminations shallconsist of: 1)Battery 2)BatterychargingJlfleans,when a storage battery is used. 3)One or morelamps,and 4)Arelayingdevice arranged to energize thelampsautomatically uponfailureof the normal supply to the building.The batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to supplyand maintain, at not less than 90 per cent of rated lamp voltage,the total lamp load associated with the unit for a period of atleast 1/2 hour. Storage batteries, whether of the acid or alkalitype, shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements ofemergency ser-vice.Lead-acidtype storagebatteriesshallhavetransparent jars. Unit equipment shall be permanentlyfixed in palce (i.e.not portable) and shall have allwiringtoeachunit installed in accordancewiththe requirements of any of thewiring methods discussed in Chapter 11of the PEC.They shall not beconnected by flexiblecord.Thesupplycircuit betweenthe unitequipmentandtheservice,the feedersorthe branch circuit wiringshallbe installedasrequiredbySection12.17. Emergencyillumination,fixtures whichobtainpower froma unit equipment whicharenot part of the unit equipmentshallbewiredto the unit equipmentasrequired byRule5257 of the PECand in accordance with the one ofthe wiring methods des-cribedinChapter11of thePEC. 13.EffECTIVELYa.All primary and secondary supply lines already existing shallcomply with the provi sions of this Rule Within two (2)years fromthe effectivity of this Rule. b.Transformers to be installed on,ilttached to, or in buildings shall comply with the re-quirementsof this Rule. Transformer installations already existing shallcomply with the requirements within two (2)years from theeffectivity of this Rule. c.Non-compliance with the provisions ofthis Ruleshall be subject to the penal provi -sionsinSection213ofPO1096. RULEX-MECHANICAL REGULATIONS 1.Definitions-For purposesofthisRule,thef ollowingdefi nitionsshallapply: A CCI DENTAL CONTACT-Any inadvertent physical contact with power transmissionequ.ipment, prime movers. machines or machine parts which couldresult from slipping, falling.sliding,trippingor anyother unplannedactionormovement. AIR coNDITIONING-The processof treating airsoasto control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanlinessand distribution to meet the requirements of the con-ditionedspace. BALUSTRADES-The frames on either of the moving steps ofanescalator. BOILER -A closed vessel for heating water or forapplication of heat to generate steam or other vapor tobeusedexternally or to itself. BUFFER - A device designed to stop adescending car or counterweight beyond itsnor-mallimitoftravelbyabsorbinganddissipatingthekineticeneryyofthecarorcounterweight. CAGE/CAB -Anenclosureforhousingtheoperatorandthehoistingmechanism, power plantandequipment controllingacrane. CAPACITYOFWORKS.PROJECTORPLANT-Thetotalhorse-powerofall engines,motors,turbines or otherprimemovers installed,whether in operationor not. CAR - Theload-carrying unit of anelevator including its platform, frame,enclosure and door or gate. COMPRESSOR-A mechanicaldevice f or thepurpose of increasing the pressure upon the refrigerant. CONDENSER-Ave.sselorarrangementofpipesortubinginwhichvaporizedre-frigerant isliquified by the removalof heat.CONDEMNEDBOILERORUNFIREDPRESSUREVESSEL -A boilerorunfired pressurevesselthat has beeninspected by the BuildingOfficial anddeclaredunsafe or disqualified and power stampedormarkeddesignatingits rejection. CRANE -Means a machine for liftingor lowering a load and moving it horizontally, the hoistingmechanism being anintegral part ofthe machine. DUCT - Apassagewaymade of sheetmetal or other suitablematerial not necessarilyieaktight,forconveying air or other gases at low pressure.DUMBWAITER-A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a carnot to ex-ceed 3861sq. em. in area and a maximum height of 1.20 m.,the capacity of which does not exceed277kilos,usedexclusivelyforcarryingmaterials. ELEVATORLANDING-Thatportionofafloor,balconyorplatformfor loadingor dischargingpassengers orfreightto or fromtheelevator . ELEVATORWIREROPES-Steelwireropesattachedtothecarframeorpassingaroundsheavesattachedtothecarframefromwhichelevator/dumbwaitercarsand their counterweights are suspended.ENCLOSED-Means that the moving parts of a machine are so guardedthat physical contactbyanypartofthehumanbodyisprecludedorprevented.Thisdoesnot however prohibit theuse of hinged, sliding or otherwise removable doors or sections topermit inspection,lubrication or proper mai ntenance. ESCALATOR-Apower driven,inclined,continuousstairway for raisingor loweringpassengers. 35 36 EVAPORATION-That part of the AC/refrigerationsystem in which liquid refrigerant is vaporizedto produce'refrigeration. EXTERNALINSPECTION - Aninspectionmadeonaboilerduringoperation. GUARDED -Shielded, fencea, orotherwiseprotected by means of suitable enclosure guards,covers orstandardrailings,so asto preclude the possibility ofaccidentalcon-tact or. dangerous approach to persons or objects.HOIST - Anapparatusfor raisingor loweringaloadbytheapplicationofabuilding force,but doesnotincludeacarorplatform.ttmay bebase-mounted,hooksuspen-sion,monorail,over-head,simple drum type or trolley suspension.HOISTWAY-Ashaftway for the travel of one or more elevators ordumbwaiters. INTERNALINSPECTION -Aninspectionmadewhenaboilerisshutdown,with hand-holes, manholes, orother openings opened or removed to permit inspection of theinterior. LIQUID RECEIVER- A vesselpermanently connected to asystemby inlet and outlet pipes for storage of a liquidrefrigerant. LOCOMOTIVEBOILER - Aboiler mounted ona self-propelledtrack locomotiveused to furnishmotivatingpower fortravellingonrail s. LOW PRESSUREHEATINGBOILER- Aboiler operated atpressures not exceeding 1.05 kgs/sq./m. with steamor watertemperaturenot exceeding250F. MACHINE- Thedriven unit of anequipment. MACHINEHOUSE - Anenclosurefor.housingthehoistingmechanismandpower plant. MACHINE PARTS -Any orallmoving parts of a machine.MECHANICALEQUIPMENT.MACHINERYORPROCESS - Includessteamengines,internalcombustionengineplants,hydraulicpowerplants,pumpingplants,refngeratingplants,airconditioning plants, millshops,factories,foundries, shipyards, etc. containing anymechanical equipment, machinery or process,driven bysteam,in-ternalor externalcombustionfuel,electricity,gas,air,water, heat,chemicals or other primemovers. MOVINGWALK -Atypeofhorizontalpassenger-carryingdeviceonwhich passengers standorwalk,withits surfaceremainingparallelto its directionof motion andis uninterrupted. POINT OF OPERATION- That part of a machine whichperforms an operation onthe stockormaterialand/orthatplaceorlocationwherestockormaterialisf edtothe machine.Amachinemayhave more thanonepoint of operation. PORTABLEBOILER -Aninternally firedtoiler whichisself-contained,primarily in-tendedfor temporary location. POWER TRANSMISSIONMACHINERY -Ashaft,wheel,drum.pulley,systemoffastandloosepulleys,coupling,clutch,drivingbelt,V-beltsheavesandbelts,chainsandsprockets,gearing,torque connectors,conveyors,hydrauliccouplings,magnetic couplings, speed reducers or increasers or anydevice by which the motion of an engine is transmitted to orreceived by another machine. PRIME MOVER -An engine or motoroperated by steam, gas, air, electricity, liquid or gaseous fuels,liquids in motion or other forms of energy whose main function isto drive or operate,eit her directly or indirectly, othermechanical equipment. PROCESS MACHINE- Anequip.ment designed andoperated for a specific purpose. REFRIGERANT -A substance whichproduces a refrigerating effect by its absorption of heatwhileexpandingorevaporating. TONOFR EFR I G ERATION-Theusefulrefrigeratingeffectequalto12,000 BTU/hour; 200BTU/minute. TRAVELLING CABLE -A cable made up of electricconductors which provideselec-tricalconnectionbetweenanelevatorordumbwaitercarandafixedoutletinthehoistway. UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL-A vesselin which is obtained froman exter-nalsource or from anindirect applicationof heat.VENTILATION - Process of supplying or removing air by natural ormechanical means to or from any space. 2.Guarding 9f Moving andDangerous Parts: All prime n10vers,machines and machineparts,powers transmission equipment shall so guarded,shielded,fencedorenclosed to protect any person against exposure toor accidentalcontact with dangerous moving parts. 3.Cranes:a.Accesstothecaseor machineshouseof a conviniently placedstationaryladder,stairsorplatformsrequiringastep-over,thatnogapexceeding300milimetersisallowed.b.Adequatemeansshallbeprovidedtorcraneshavingrevolvingcabsormachinehouses to permit the operator to enter ur leave the crane cabandreachthe ground safely,irrespective of its position. c.Cages,cabs or machine houses on cranes shall be enclosed to protectoperator dur-ing inclement weather. d.Agong or othereffectivewarningdeviceshallbemounted, oneachcageor cab.e.Temporarycranewarningdevicemaybeallowedprovidedthereisa flagmanwhose sole duty is to warnthose inthepathof the crane or its load.f.Themaximumratedloadof allcranes shallbe plainlymarkedoneachsideof the crane.If the crane has more than onehoisting unit, each hoist shall have marked on ittoitsloadblock,its ratedcapacityclearlylegiblefromtheground orfloor. 4.Hoists: a.Operating controlshallbeplainly marked toindicate the direction of travel. b.Eachcage controlled hoistshallbe equipped with an effective warningdevice. c.Each hoistdesigned to lift its load vertically shall have its rated loadlegibly marked on thehoist or load block or at someeasilyvisiblespace. d.A stop, which shall operate automatically, shall beprovided at each switch, dead end railor turn-table to prevent thetrolley running off whenthe switch isopen. e.Eachelectric hoistmotor shall be provided with electrically or mechanically operatedbrake so arranged that the brake will be applied automatically whenthe power is cut off from the hoist. 5.Elevators: a.Hoistwaysforelevators shallbe substantially enclosed through their height,withno openings allowedexcept for necessary doors,windows orskylights. b.Ropes, wires or pipes shall not be installed inhoistways, except when necessary for the operationof the elevators.c.Hoistway pits shall be of such depth that when the car rests onthe fully compressed buffers, a clearanceof not lessthan600millimeters remainsbetweentheunderside of the car and _the bottomofthepit. 37 38 d.When four or more elevators serve all or the sameportion of a building, they shall be locatedinnotlessthantwo(2)hoistways andin nocaseshallmorethan tour t41elevators belocated in any one hoistway. e.Where a machine room orpenthouse is provided at the top to a hoistway, it shall beconstructed with sufficient room for repair and inspection. Accessshall be by means of an iron ladder or stairs when the room is morethan 600 millimeters above the ad-cajent floor or roof surface.Theangle of inclination of such ladder or stairs shall notexceed60fromthehorizontal.Thisroomshallnot beusedaslivingquartersor depository of othermaterialsandshallbeprovidedwith adequateventilation. f .Minimumnumber ofhoistingropesshallbethree(3) for tractionelevators andtwo (2)fordrum type elevators. g.The minimum diameter of hoisting andcounter-weight ropes shall be 30 millimeters. h.Elevators shallbeprovided with over-loadrelay and reversepolarity relay.i.Inhigh-rise apartments or residential condominiums of more thanfive (5) least one passenger elevator shallbekept on24-hour constant service. 6.Escalators: a.Theangleof inclination ofanescalator shallnot exceed35 fromthe horizontal. b.The widthbetweenbalustrades shallnot be lessthan558 millimeters nor morethan 1.20 meters.Thiswidthshallnot exceedthewidthof thestepsbymorethan330 millimeters. c.Solidbalustradesofincombustiblematerialshallbeprovidedoneachsideofthe moving steps.Ifmade of glass,it shallbetempered type glass. d.Each balustradeshall be provided with a handrail moving in the same direction andat the same speed asthe steps. e.The rated speed,measured along theangle of inclination, shall be not more than38 mpm. f.Startingswitches shallbekeyo p e a t e dandlocatedwithinsight ofescalatorsteps. g.Emergency buttons shall be conspicuously andaccessibly located at or near the top and bottom landings butprotected from accidentalcontact. 7.Boilers andPressure Vessels:a.Location of Boilers: 1)Boilers may belocated inside buildingsprovided that the boiler roomisof rein-forcedconcreteor masonryandthat the boiler roomshallnot beusedfor any other purpose.2)Incase the main building isnot made up of fire resistivematerials,boilers shall be locatedoutside thebui ldingat adistanceof not lessthan3.00meters from the outsidewallofthemainbuildingandthebuildinghousing theboilershallbe made up ofthe fire resistive materials. 3)No part of the boiler shallbecloser thanone meter from any wall. 4)Fire tube boilers shall beprovided with sufficient room for removal/replacement of tubeseitherthru the front or rear. b.Smokestackswhetherself-supportingorguyedshallbeof sufficientcapacitytohandlefuelgases,shallbeableto withstanda windloadof175kmperhour andshall riseat least 5 meters above the eaves of a building within aradius of 50 meters. c.Manufacturers/ assemblersofboilers/pressurevessels/ pressurizedwaterheaters shall stamp each vesselonthe front head or on any nther suitable location withe thenameofthemanufacturer,serialnumber.maximum allowableworlSCALE20.FLOORRACEWAYS The NECrecognizes threetypes of floor raceways'underfloor raceways ' cellular metal floorraceways 'cellularconcrete floor raceways A)Underfloor Ducts .... UF These racewayswhich may be installed beneath or flush with the floor, are coveredfindtheir widest application irioffice spaces, sincetheir useprmits placement of power and signal outlets immediately underdesks and other furniture, regardless offurniturelayout.Wheresuchunderfloorracewaysarenotemployed,anditisdesired to place an outlet on the floor,one of thefollowing methodsis necessary. a.Channel the floor and install a conduit in thechase,connecting it to the nearest wall outlet.Patchthechasedportion.

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